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Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

With our smart and easy visual automation builder, you can automate your business with few clicks and create unlimited workflows.

In this article you will learn how to create an automation from scratch, use of triggers, actions, events, and actions.

To get started you need to follow the easy steps below:

  1. Click on "Automations" on left side menu.

  2. Click on "Create automation"

  3. You have two options: use "prebuilt template" or start automation from scratch

For now we start with with automation from scracth

Let's start with creating an automation from scratch.

  1. Choose "Build from scratch" and click on "Start now"

  2. Click on "Create new workflow"

The good news is that with automation you can save a lot of time and keep your business runing on autopilote mode.

Once you clicked on "Create new automation" and "Create new workflow" you will see this below:

For any new automation there are multiple Triggers to start automation workflow:

  1. Subscriber joins via form: whenhen a subscriber signed-up via form

  2. Subscriber is tagged: in case a tag is added to a subscriber

  3. Custom field is changed: when a particular custom field is changed

  4. Order placed: when an order is placed

  5. Anniversary date: when an anniversay date occurs

  6. Date occurs: when a specific date and time occurs

  7. Link clicked: when a link is clicked for a particular email sequence

  8. Abandoned cart: when a customer abandoned cart

  9. Abandone product: when a customer abandoned product in store

  10. Page abandoned: when a customer abandoned a page in the storefront

  11. Segment: when a customer joined or exited a segment

From there you can choose one of the three starting point to start your automation.

Once you choose a starting point it will trigger the rest of steps in automation.

To add an entry point you need to click on the βž• button on the side

but if you want to add a next step to your "entry point", then you need to click on βž• button BELOW entry point.

Note: If any of your subscribers is entred from an entry point he will follow the entire workflow till the end of the automation.

After choosing a starting point of the workflow, there are 3 options to add:

Actions, Events, Conditions

Let's start with "Actions"

  1. Actions: it has a list of actions to apply

In the list of actions above you can choose:

> Send an email sequence: this is basically an email you created in sequences section

> Delay: you can delay this step with any delay time you want: minutes, hours, days, or weeks. If you choose delay of "1 day" this means next step will be triggered after "1day"

>Add or Remove Tag: if you choose this action, then you can add a tag immediately to your subscriber or you can remove a tag as well.

>Set a custom field: if you choose this action then you can change a specific custom field: (example: first name, last name, city,...etc).

Let's have an example of a basic automation:

Step1: A subscriber signed up via the form already created: "Form3"

Step2: Once he signed up he will receive immediately an email "Seq" already created in sequences.

To create this basic automation you have to follow the easy steps below:

  1. Click on "Create workflow"

  2. click "Subscriber joins via form" and choose the form (in our example the form name is "Form3", then click "Add"

  3. Click on "+" below the box "Form3"

  4. Click on "Actions" and choose "Send an email sequence" then choose your email sequence (in our example it's "Seq".

This is a typical example to send a welcome Message to your subscribers once they join your list.

(check image below with all steps)

Now let's add a "delay of 1 day" just after subscription this means that subscriber will receive the email sequence "Seq" 1 day after his subscription. (check example below)

Now let's add a tag after sending "Seq", with this all the subscribers will be tagged immediately after that the "welcome-message" is sent.

(check example below)

2. Events: Subscriber will move to this steps "When one the events happens"

there is a list of events:

> When a Tag is added: subscriber will be moved to this step when a tag is added to subscriber.

>When a Tag is removed: subscriber will be moved to this step when a tag is removed to subscriber.

>When a custom field changed: subscriber will be moved to this step when a custom field is changed for subscriber (example: city custom field is changed for your subscriber to "New york").

>When a specific date occures: subscriber will be moved to this step when a specific date occures. (E.g: annivesary date of subscriber).

>When a purchase made: subscriber will be moved to this step when he purchased a product.

>Link clicked: subscriber will be moved to this step when he clicked on a link in a particular email sequence.

In the example below: when a subscriber signed up via the form "Form3" and when the date occurs, the email sequence "Seq" will be sent to this subscriber.

3. Condition: this will check if subscriber has a condition or not.

There are 4 conditions to check: tag and custom field

> Tag: this will check if the subscriber has a specific tag

>Custom field: this will check if custom field has a value, contains value, ...etc

>Purchase: this will check if a purchase was made or not.

>Link clicked: this will check if a link was clicked or not in a particular email sequence.

Let's create a workflow with these requirements:

"When a subscriber signed up via the form "Form3", if he has the tag "Purchased-Tishirt" then we will send him the email sequence "Seq".

check how we can do it below:

You can update the name of your automation worflow by clicking on the pen (see image below) and put it online or offline.

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