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Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

ZagoMail has a strong and deep compromise on helping customers grow their business through the use of our services.

Therefore, ZagoMail chooses to protect the platform by having an Acceptable Use Policy that forbids certain topics and/or practices that may affect the coexistence you may have with the platform.

Approval Process

Newly formed accounts must go through our approval procedure. This is to ensure that the account is genuine and legitimate, and that it won’t recur in abusing the tools we offer through our platform.

When you start making an account on ZagoMail, you immediately agree to this. Keep in mind that ZagoMail maintains the right to restrict your access to the platform, which will prevent you from using any of our features.

Prohibited Content Policy

ZagoMail retains the right to cancel any account at any time, without notice and without the user's agreement, if they engage in any of the prohibited behaviors outlined in this Prohibited Content Policy.

Here is a list of what you’re not allowed to do in ZagoMail:

  • Explicitly share content that involves any abusive/sexual activity with a minor under the age of 18.

  • Sharing fraudulent or harmful links that may contain, but are not limited to viruses, worms, phishing, malware, or any other type of malicious website/links or malware.

  • Creating an emailing list through unethical practices such as purchase, scraped lists, or any other way of email listing that involves non-permission and non-consent from email users, which also violates our Anti-Spam Policy.

  • Approach email users with deceit regarding your identity, website, or industry.

  • Promote the use of drugs, sell medicine, or online pharmacies that contain no permission whatsoever nor a permitted license from a trusted government authority.

  • Share explicit adult content that doesn’t serve any educational or artistic purpose.

  • Share promotions about easy-money-making schemes or the like.

  • Share CPA (Cost per Action) affiliate sites or similar, network marketing sites, affiliate educational offers, or insurance sales promotions.

  • Promote content that explicitly promotes violence, illegal activity, and hate speech towards others.

  • Distort the identity of another person, corporation, or relationship with a person or company.

  • Any type of content that goes against the CAN-SPAM Act or other Anti-Spam laws.

  • Poorly collected lists or low-quality content that may be sent to your target audience’s junk mail or spam folder.

  • Any content that incurs in the violation of our Anti-Spam policy and gets reported to us as abuse.

  • Using plagiarized content, which may be presented explicitly or implicitly, word for word or by sentence mash-up, paraphrased manually or with a paraphrasing tool, unoriginal, and copied from another individual, page, or organization that may be subject to fines by federal law. These apply but are not limited to video graphics, audiovisual files, written words, and all other content subject to copyright policies.

  • Content that is harmful or misleading.

  • We don’t permit ZagoMail forms or landing pages that are used to collect sensitive user data. We also don’t allow you to store this information within your ZagoMail account.

Note: We will terminate any account that’s found violating any of the clauses expressed above. No refund for the service will be provided, and the exportation of any account data will be subject to ZagoMail’s discretion.

Additional Examination of Industries and Content

Besides the rules described above, there are industries that we may allow partially but under certain conditions. Each condition will be evaluated on an account per account basis. These include, but don’t limit to:

  • AFFILIATE MARKETING: We only permit the use of affiliate links in part for affiliate marketing purposes, not material that is fully dependent on them. Selling various types of tools or software, as well as 'business in a box' schemes, are examples of this.

  • MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: ZagoMail accepts educational content and multi-level marketing product advertising as long as none of the content is connected to pyramid schemes, which are illegal and can result in significant legal consequences. It's against the rules to use ZagoMail to recruit new users or to misrepresent your product or program in any manner.

  • FINANCIAL/EDUCATIONAL OFFERS: We have no issues with educative information on most topics, but we will interfere if these themes focus on financial advertising, such as scholarships or mortgages.

  • CRYPTO/BITCOIN: You can tell people about the newest Bitcoin or Crypto trends and tactics as long as the information is instructive and not intended to promote quick money schemes. We also accept the use of our platform to assist in the advertising of NFTs merchants, but the account should not be only for this reason and must remain relevant to your viewers.

Account Supervision

ZagoMail always monitors the activity of your account and the interaction it has with its subscribers. This is to ensure that all safe and good email marketing practices are followed. Additionally, we revise unsubscribe rates to make sure that your account is following all the clauses within our Terms of Services, our Anti-Spam Policy, and our Prohibited Content Policy, stated above. We take all the spam complaints seriously, which is why we also keep this into consideration when monitoring an account. An elevated number of unsubscriptions or spam complaints will result in you being liable for manual revision, suspension, and even termination of the account. In this case scenario, ZagoMail reserves the total right of hesitating to provide information surrounding the data of your current account, including email listings.


ZagoMail requires that all Customers provide proof that the subscribers on their list provided explicit consent to receive their email messages, or that they have bought a product from the sender within the past 12 months and gave consent to receive an email confirmation at the time of purchase. Opt-in confirmation serves as evidence for these matters when it comes to subscribers gained through ZagoMail.

Code of Conduct

The coexistence of each individual is important for us, here, at ZagoMail. Our staff works hard to provide 24/7 customer support, with maximum excellence and efficiency, which is why we care about how they behave with you and why we expect that each person acts according to our code of conduct, in which we prohibit the following:

  • Using foul language against another individual,

  • Insulting someone based on their gender, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious preference,

  • Insulting someone based on their type of lifestyle,

  • Promoting content that discriminates against a specific group of people,

  • Any misconduct that may be categorized with the ones described above,

  • Abusive, threatening, or demeaning behavior against any member of our staff

Not abiding by the abovementioned prohibitions may result in the suspension or total termination of your ZagoMail account.

Account Termination

If ZagoMail decides to terminate your account for any of the above mentioned violations, including prohibited content, spam violations, or any other compliance issues, your account won’t be eligible for a refund and therefore you will not be allowed to open a new account.

Report Abuse

If you find a message sent through ZagoMail, and you believe that it violates any of the terms described above, you can safely contact us through [email protected]. We will have one of our Customer Support staff review the situation and we will make sure to take proper disciplinary action against the sender.

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